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Flora Celtica: Plants and People in Scotland
A book and online database, has many anicotal descriptions of plant uses in Scotland.
Country UK (Scotland)
Sections :EthnobotanyFloraPlant DatabasesTraditional Plant Uses

Plants With Purpose
A small buisness suplying Unusual Herbs and Useful Plants organically grown in a Cold Climate, catalogue has a good range of Herbs shrubs and plants for attracting Bees.
Country UK (Scotland) Region Perthshire
Sections :OrganicsPlant SuppliersPlant Suppliers (Organic)Bee plantsTalksGarden Design

Fruit growing in Scotland
The greenhouse effect is giving us a new climate in Scotland allowing us to grow more exotic plants, such as grapes, figs, peaches, and travel abroad has given us experiences of the Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia), from Canada. Trials with native Blaeberries (Vaccinium 98rtillus)are very pleasing. Information on webpage about Fruit growing in Scotland at www.johnstoa.com/fruitgrowing.htm
Country UK (Scotland) Region Tayside
Sections :OrganicsWoodland GardeningGeneral GardeningRare Plants/Heritage SeedsTraditional Plant UsesTreesRoot cropsPerennialsNon Food CropsNew CropsFruit Cropsnative plantsSustainable livingHealth IssuesRaw FoodLocal FoodClimate ChangeCity Farms/Community Gardens

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